Intersection of Domestic Violence & Reproductive Justice – Where Do the Delineations Fall?

Discussion with Attorneys Azaleea Carlea & Lynn Hecht Schafran of Legal Momentum, NYC advocacy organization. Subject: is the victimization of vulnerable women during pregnancy, and the often disastrous outcomes for those who live with domestic violence. How the overturning of Roe v Wade by the US Supreme Court has has placed women in a more vulnerable situation: where abusers either increase their abuse during the woman's pregnancy, or cause them devastating harm postpartum. Pregnancy is now even more dangerous for American women than ever before - with the US already having high mortality rates for pregnant women for a variety of healthcare related and access issues. Abortion access is limited for women having health emergencies and those victims of rape and incest. Crossing state lines is sometimes not an option for these women. Guest advocates believe more education in schools in sex education may help stem the tide of unwanted pregnancies as appears to be the case in many countries across the Atlantic.

#DomesticViolence #ReproductiveJustice #Abortion  #AccesstoHealthcare   #SexEducationinSchools  #LegalMomentum #WomensMortalityRates

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