Dirty Little Secrets the Oil & Gas Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know!

The Path Less Traveled–From Dirty Fossil Fuel to Clean Renewable Energy–Creating ‘State-Based’ Infrastructures that Promote In-State Job Growth While Benefiting the Local Environment Guest: Dr. Anthony. R. Ingraffea, Ph.D., P.E. is the Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering and Weiss Presidential Teaching Fellow at Cornell University

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Court Rulings in Italy Link Vaccines to Autism!

October 15, 2015  – Will the ‘Age of Ignorance’ and Denial of Vaccine Damage in the US Come to a Close? And Will Our Congress Heed the Call of Parents Whose Children Have Needlessly Suffered and Died? Much has been discussed in the news to vilify those who question the…

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