“Roundup” – Is it Ready for Another Trial?…The Monsanto Herbicide Cases

Discussion on the multi-million jury awards to those who developed Non-Hodgkins lymphoma where causal evidence suggests that the regular use of the herbicide “Roundup” caused these victims to develop the fatal disease. Many of the cases are under appeal, but damning evidence surfaced during trial indicating the original manufacturer, Monsanto knew of the dangers and hid it from the public. Bayer Corporation now owns what was formerly Monsanto and is embroiled in litigation to try to overturn many of the jury awards awarded to dying patients. A nightmare for those given the devastating diagnosis, and a public relations nightmare for the company as well.
Guest: Dr. Stephanie. She is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT. Her Research Includes Analysis and Synthesis of Empirical Data from Government, Public & Private Resources including: Chemical, Molecular, & Atomic Properties—to Assess the Potential for Synergistic Effect upon Human Health.

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