The CarbonNation: Rolling Back Climate Change One State at a Time

Climate change is pernicious, and progressive state’s are moving forward with carbon initiatives to help make the environment cleaner, and to free state’s and inhabitants from reliant on fossil fuels to drive our economy and heat homes. To take progressive environmental action to no longer be the Carbon Nation, State Senator Barrett discusses bills he has put forth to make Massachusetts a lit bit greener. It begins with a ‘revenue neutral’ plan to combat climate change – easily adoptable by other states that value clean energy, clean water and a clean environment. He’s got a plan that will put Massachusetts in the forefront of environmental stewardship, while also creating financial incentive to get a little greener.

Guest: Massachusetts State Senator, Michael Barrett. The Senator is a Harvard College graduate, a MA multiple term state legislator, a lawyer, and a tireless advocate for a healthy environment. He serves as a Senate Chair of the Legislature’s Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities & Energy–and has been an outspoken advocate on renewable energy and bringing clean energy jobs to the state of MA.

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The New Carbon Tax Proposal–What is it & How it Works…

2019 – A new legislative initiative is sweeping through the US. Because Washington has not acted, individual states are turning to their own legislatures to curb the effect greenhouse gas emissions has on their state, their people, and ultimately their nation. Several proposals include, Cap and Trade, Cap and Invest,…

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