Parallels in Patriotism: Educating One Generation of America at a Time – History of Immigration to the US

Parallels in Patriotism: Educating One Generation of America at a Time

US History of Immigration: From the Armenian Genocide, to the Jewish Holocaust, to Mexican & Central American Migration

– Guest:
Adam Strom, Director of Re-Imagining Migration, an education project working with a team of experts from UCLA and Harvard Graduate School of Education. The focus of their work is to bring history and understanding of past immigration–and its current day analogs to classrooms and educational leaders across the globe. From the Irish Potato Famine to the Chinese Exclusion Act to accepting immigrants and refugees from the Jewish Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide–how fleeing persecution and famine is nothing new to refugees and asylum seekers to the US. From landing at Ellis Island to trekking to the US Southern Border-Immigration - people come for the same reason - to avoid persecution and disaster and to find a better life. This is the story of America.

Mr. Strom is the former Director of Scholarship and Innovation at Facing History and Ourselves, an organization dedicated to helping educators, schools and communities learn about ethics, social responsibility and justice. He has written extensively on issues including: George Washington’s Rebuke to Bigotry; Stories of Identity & Religion; America’s Civil Rights Movement; Crimes Against Humanity and Civilizations–including the Jewish Holocaust, and the Armenian Genocide.

#Migration #Immigration #Exclusion

SUGGESTED READING- The Legal Edition 'In-The-News'

-DACA the Promise of the Supremes - Chief Justice John Roberts - DACA Her to Stay for Another Day

#DACA  #DACAdecision  #Immigration  #AdamStrom

ADDITIONAL READING - The Legal Edition 'In-The-News'

-They Weren't Immigrants - They Were Slaves: Juneteenth - Remembering the Torturous Path of Slavery & the Celebratory Day of Freedom


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